Saturday 6 August 2011

A Place Of Influence

Romans 1 v 1-17
  • Rome was a place of influence. People from around the world would come to Rome.
  • Rome was mainly made up of servant/slaves and rich people who had great power and influence.
  • Paul saw Rome as a brilliant opportunity to recruit great influencers from the city to the faith. He knew if these people came to faith they would have a massive impact for the Kingdom of God.
  • Paul is inspiring and challenging the church in Rome.
  • He first focuses on the gospel and the message of the cross.
  • Paul wants the simplicity of the cross to break through to people’s lives in Rome.
  • How bold are we when we go out to love others and bring the good news?
  • Paul identifies how the gospel is made possible by presenting Jesus as the only mediator and way to God.
  • People want to become Christian; people want to respond to the gospel.
  • We should share the message and show the love because of the salvation we have received. 
  • We shouldn't just care about our own salvation we should be concerned with other peoples too.
  • There is life changing power in the cross.
  • 'The same power that raised Christ from the grave lives in me today.'
  • Psalm 68 v 28 & 35 - "28 Summon your power, God; show us your strength, our God, as you have done before... 35 You, God, are awesome in your sanctuary; the God of Israel gives power and strength to his people."
  • Changed lives bring hope to others because they are powered by the Holy Spirit.
  • Wherever we are we have some sort of influence with peers, our leaders and the people we lead, this could be work, school, university, family...
  • God wants us to use our influence to give people an opportunity to encounter God and accept the cross.
  • Rome was a tough place to be, but God doesn't call us to a tough or hard place he calls us to impossible situation because only by His power can we overcome in these impossible places and situations.
  • Will you use your influence?