Monday 6 June 2011

The Great Conflict - Part 5

REVELATION 14 v 6-13
God's last appeal to all...
Some believe this is an a final appeal from God so no-one can say they have never heard God's truth but others believe that it is an announcement of God's judgement. When we read this scripture we already know God's truth so however you interpret it, it still compels me to tell more of the truth of God.

The picture of Babylon which is used here in the scriptures refers to the Roman Empire who was trying to kill off Christianity. They were a great evil. This context of the Roman's refers to our situation as Christians because we come up against a lot of opposition.

The world has different values to God and so this conflict. The world seeks after pleasure, money and power. But God's leadership is so much more important. A compromise is made if we want what the world offers rather than coming under God's authority and living by His principles. The unfortunate truth about the people who rebel and ignore God is that they will receive the mark of the beast. They will then drink of the cup of God's wrath, Isaiah 51 v 17 - "Awake, awake! Rise up, Jerusalem, you who have drunk from the hand of the LORD the cup of his wrath, you who have drained to its dregs the goblet that makes people stagger." This verse speaks of the coming judgment upon Babylon, in Revelation the same judgment is spoken of but not just for Babylon.

Do we know people who are waiting for the last appeal of God?
Do we know people who aren't waiting for anything from God?
The final judgement is real and is coming at some point in the future.

Who will you tell the truth of God to?

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