Wednesday 8 June 2011

The Seven Bowls Part 1

What is our song of praise to God for His deliverance of us from death?
The plagues which were in these seven bowls were about to be poured out over the world they were a worldwide judgment taking out all evil and ending the world. The song that is quoted is one which Moses sand in Exodus 15 v 1-21, Moses was singing and praising God because God had delivered them from Egypt and the oppression the Israelites were under. 

Do we praise God for the little and big things?

We can be thankful for God's deliverance of us from death and given us eternal life.
This passage and the way Moses worshipped gives us deeper understanding of what worship is.

How will you praise God for His deliverance/saving of you?

(I am now going to take the rest of my time to worship and praise God for what He has done for me)

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