Monday 20 June 2011

The White Knight

How do you imagine the white rider?
  • The white horse in this passage probably depicts Christ as the returning warrior Messiah King.
  • Do we sometimes just imagine Jesus coming back being all nice on a white horse and taking us back to heaven?
  • Revelation 19 v 11-21
  • When Jesus comes riding on His horse His name won't even be visible but we will still know it is Him.
  • As we know God works in much different ways to us. He doesn't use the Superman model to save the world by swooping and saving us all.
  • God makes a sacrifice, which we can choose to accept the forgiveness that comes from Jesus' death on the cross or others choose to ignore this. Then God sends tonnes of warning signs in the way of many years of missionaries and then end times warnings. Then we arrive at this point where Jesus is back and he is taking His followers but no prisoners.
  • It is much more like a white knight who is willing to sacrifice anything for the people and His King (Father).
  • The picture we see of the rider (Jesus) has many different features.
  1. Blazing Eyes of Fire - eyes which can penetrate anything which means He can see us right into our very core and soul. This is so He can judge us fairly.
  2. The Name - this name is secret which only He knows, this adds to the power and authority of God.
  3. White Robe Dipped in Blood - this is either blood from the battle or the blood of His sacrifice and cantonment for our sin.
  • Jesus brings salvation and judgment. 
  • By this point the world has already chosen which side they want to be on. God's or the world.
  • 2 Timothy 4 v 7 - "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."
  • God wants us to stand our ground until Jesus returns, to fight the good fight and not to be corrupted by the devil and his army.
  • Do we just focus on the superhero moment when Jesus and forget to fight the good fight now?

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