Tuesday 5 July 2011

Being An Example

Who are you an example to?
  • What is the example we are showing and giving?
  • God takes how we live our lives seriously and wants us to live lives that represent Him.
  • 1 Timothy 4 v 11-16
  • Previously we saw what influences Timothy and us should have around us and today we will look into our influence and our example to others.
  • Do you ever feel looked down on?
  • Paul tells Timothy to not be discouraged by his age or looked down on because of it. He wants him to be bold and teach and lead the church well, if he doesn't believe he is capable of doing it he will struggle because he doesn't believe in himself.
  • Timothy was mid 30's may be younger, so may be the same age as some of the youngest Pastors in this country.
  • Whatever age we are we can allow ourselves to make what we think is our weakness into a barrier which stops us from doing what God has called us to.
  • Paul says a similar thing to Titus, Titus 2 v 15 - "These, then, are the things you should teach. Encourage and rebuke with all authority. Do not let anyone despise you."
  • God doesn't want us to be slowed down by people’s opinions. God wants to run the race whether we have people cheering us on or not.
  • We will be an example to others in the way run the race without hindrance of people’s opinion.
  • Do we ever neglect the gifts we are given?
  • Timothy was reminded to not neglect his gifts that God had given to him.
  • Paul wanted him to use them wisely.
  • God wants us to use our gifts well.
  • Matthew 25 v 14-30
  • This parable shows us that we need to use what God has given us well. Then God will give us more.
  • v23 - ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’
  • This Jesus' response to those who use well what we have been given. 
  • We should set example to others in the way we use our gifts.
  • How much do we give to God?
  • Paul talks about Timothy giving his all for the work of the Kingdom, because Timothy giving his all has a knock on effect - people come into the Kingdom.
  • We need to give our all and live lives which worship God. We need to be a genuine example to others and sometimes showing warts and all, because otherwise people think what we have is unattainable but it isn't because we are sinners saved by grace, not Christians saved by grace.
  • Romans 12 v 1 - "Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship."
  • Paul here in the letter to the Romans urges them to live as living sacrifices to God. God wants our all because he gave us His all.
  • When we give our all we can truly have freedom.
  • What example are you living?

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