Sunday 24 July 2011


Who is in our teams?
  • What circumstances are around us?
  • Titus 1 v 5-16
  • Titus was tasked with appointing elders to each town, therefore putting together his team of leaders across the island of Crete.
  • The criterion for elders doesn’t change from the letters and instructions to Timothy.
    • Male
    • Righteousness
    • Living a life devoted to God
    • Having one wife
    • Obedient children
    • Having the fruit of the Spirit living in him
  • The elders need to model their leadership in their homes because if their children are disobedient, will the church be disobedient to their leadership.
  • They needed to be men who were willing to stand against all evil things and doctrines.
  • These leaders would have the 4 C’s.
  • The characteristics and track record of the kind of people the Cretans were was not good.
  • They were rebellious people who were all talk and deceit and never did anything. They were liars and corrupt people.
  • They had 3 main characteristics::
  1. They belonged to the circumcism group who believed it was sanctification through Jewish customs that saved you rather than Jesus’ death and resurrection.
  2. They held up Jewish myths which were unscriptural as being the truth.
  3. They made issues and complained about things God declared to be good.
  • This was a strong culture on the island, Titus with the power of the Holy Spirit was about to break this culture.
  • These people claim to know God but don’t.
  • Titus needed plenty of wisdom and discernment to deal with these people and appoint the right people to be elders.
  • Who is on your team and how do you appoint them?
  • To be part of a great team and have great team mates or great teams members who are going to be models to others then we all need integrity. 
  • With all the leadership principles in the world if we don't have honesty at the centre then we have built on something which is false.
  • Integrity is a level of honesty in which we live our lives the same wherever we are.
  • What foundations are in your team? Is Jesus? Is honesty?
  • When we build we want to build on the ROCK (Jesus) and when we build on the rock we want to live a life that’s imitates God. Jesus was the same wherever he went - Jesus had integrity. The Cretan's did not have integrity.
  • About one month ago God gave me a picture of the paving flags I was standing on and how some were rocky and some weren't, they have different foundations and with the wrong foundations they crack and crumble.
  • Who are you building the Kingdom with?

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