Wednesday 6 July 2011

Caring Kingdom Culture

Who do we care for in our communities?
  • How do we care for our communities and families?
  • Jesus teaches us about loving our neighbour (Matthew 22 v 39)
  • This is a call to love our communities.
  • 1 Timothy 5 v 1-16
  • Paul speaks about caring for the widows within the church community and outside.
  • He wants us to care for them because of what they have given into the life of the church and their children’s lives. It is predominantly the responsibility of the children but all the church is called into action.
  • Paul is encouraging people to act on the faith they speak about by loving their relatives.
  • "It starts in the home."
  • Ephesians 6 v 1-3 - "1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. 2 “Honour your father and mother”—which is the first commandment with a promise— 3 “so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.”"
  • It starts with us honouring our parents and respecting them. 
  • We have to main opportunities of when we can honour our parents - Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. But we have many other opportunities throughout the year.
  • Honouring is part of loving the community by honouring our family and leaders others will honour them and the community will become for Kingdom minded rather than focusing on ourselves we focus on others.
  • This all part of a Caring Kingdom Culture.
  • Jesus wasn't just a nice guy he truly cared for the community by the way he loved people.
    • Jesus heals people and does many other miracles (Matthew 4 v 23-25)
    • Jesus responds to faith (Matthew 8 v 5-13)
    • Jesus spoke the truth of what people were getting into with Him (Matthew 8 v 18-22)
    • Jesus speaks words of wisdom (Matthew 5 v 1-12)
    • Jesus sends people to love others (Matthew 10 v 1-42)
    • Jesus grew people’s faith (Matthew 14 v 22-36)
    • Jesus challenged people (Matthew 16 21-28) (Matthew 21 v 23-27)
    • Jesus loved everyone (Matthew 22 v 37-40)
    • Jesus died for His community and the world and rose again (Matthew 27 v 45 - 28 v 10)
  • Jesus truly cared for His community by going the extra mile.
  • The principle that is in this part of the letter to Timothy is the care for the community - church, town and family.
  • We have many opportunities to care for those around us...
    • When they are in need.
    • A random act of kindness.
    • Commitment to serve regularly.
  • We need to take responsibility for our families and our community.
  • Do you care for the community in a way which builds the Kingdom?

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