Thursday 14 July 2011

Strengthening Faith

How can we best strengthen our faith?
  • What strengthens your faith the most?
  • 2 Timothy 2 v 1-13  
  • This passage follows on from yesterdays, as it continues to talk about faithfulness but adding to yesterdays and looking at strengthening our faith.
  • When Peter steps out of the Boat he steps out in faith, this strengthens his faith.
  • Peter had a great amount of faith and was willing to step out in faith. 
  • We need to step out in faith if we are going to dream big. 
  • Peter stepped out in faith many more times – people were healed and raised from the dead, all by the power of God. 
  • All because Peter was willing to go on the adventure and dream big. 
  • What dreams is God giving you? 
  • When we step out in faith God will do something. 
  • If we live our lives for God and give Him our dreams he can make them happen by the way we follow His will for our life. 
  • Psalm 119 v 105 – “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” 
  • God shows you the next few steps as you step out in faith and shows you your big dreams but he wants you to step into the future in faith. 
  • God wants us to step into the unknown but we do the big dream in the distance.
  • Jeremiah 29 v 11 – “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” 
  • God wants to use you and your dreams. 
  • Will you do what God has called you to? 
  • Timothy was called by God to lead the church.
  • Timothy led by faith.
  • Continue to live your faith out and believe for the great things God will do in you and through you. 
  • How can you step out in faith?
  • The people around us can help strengthen our faith by pushing us or seeing their faith?
  • This is why Timothy pulled close to Paul.
  • Who can help strengthen your faith? 

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