Tuesday 22 March 2011

Command vs Suggestion

 JEREMIAH 40 v 1-6
Does God sometimes whisper ideas to us and other times tell us where to go?
Jeremiah was set free but Nebuzaradan started to suggest places where he should go. He is giving Jeremiah a command and sticking a question on the end of it - does he really want him to go to that place or is he not being strong enough and saying this is where we are going? I think he does really want Jeremiah to go where is suggesting, using the Jeremiah's freedom as a tool because he freed Jeremiah - so Jeremiah should return a favour? What is interesting about Nebuzaradan is that he knows God gave them (Babylonians) the victory but he won't accept God. There are many like this in life, the like the idea of God existing but won't get personal with God. Jeremiah followed Nebuzaradan to Mizpah because of a persuasive suggestion. Or was it because Jeremiah saw an opportunity?

God's Commands...
- Abraham followed God's commands to take Isaac up the mountain to sacrifice him. (Genesis 22 v 1-19)
- Moses God commanded to lead the people out of Egypt. (Exodus 3 v 7-10)
- Jonah had a command from God to go to Nineveh to warn them of God's anger and to repent from their sins. (Jonah 1 v 1-2)

God's Suggestions/Opportunities...
- David and Goliath - God didn't command him to go out to kill Goliath but David had the faith and saw the opportunity. (1 Samuel 17 v 1-58)
- Peter healed Tabitha not because God commanded him too but because he saw an opportunity and had the power of the Holy Spirit in him. (Acts 9 v 36-43)

Jeremiah could go to Babylon; there he would have riches and safety. Or he could go to Judah, which has nothing left. He chose Judah! Nebuzaradan went with him to Mizpah.

The opportunities God gives are great because he it is a chance to show our faithfulness and someone else’s life to be impacted by God. God has a plan and purpose for everyone’s life but we have the choice to follow that or go our own way. I know what I want to use my freedom for - submitting to God.
In conclusion to my orginal question I think he does both command and suggestion.

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