Wednesday 30 March 2011

The Power Of God In The Battle

JEREMIAH 47 v 1-7
When in battle how often do I use the power God has given me access too?
The Philistines worshipped false gods and chose deliberately to go up against God's people. The bible mentions them 250 times because they kept cropping up in the business of God - usually against him. The Philistines had been the thorn in Israel's side for many years. They had caused many problems for different people throughout the bible; Samson, Saul, Jonathon and David are to name just a few. Israel had been in many battles with them:
- The Battle of Shepelah
- Israel defeated at the Battle of Aphek, Philistines capture the Ark of the Covenant (1 Samuel 4:1-10)
- Philistines defeated at the Battle of Ebner-Ezer (1 Samuel 7:3-14)
- Skirmish at Michmash, Philistines routed by Jonathon and his men (1 Samuel 14)
- Near the Valley of Elah, David defeats Goliath in single combat (1 Samuel 17)

Israel didn't win them all, but why? Was it because they didn't fulfil God's will or because they did it on their own? Did they win other because God's power was in it?

In verse 6 of Jeremiah 47 God talks about his sword and how it we on the attack constantly because the Philistines will cry for it to stop. Ephesians 6 v 17-18 - "...and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18 Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere." This is the only offensive weapon listed in the armour of God, but what use is an offensive weapon without the power of God? I may think I am using the sword of the spirit but sometimes I may just be going through the motions.

The picture God spark my thoughts of the sword of the Spirit is a bull elephant. Its tusks are piercing and damaging but aren't pin prick sharp but they don't need to be, because with the shear force and power the elephant has behind them, they can pierce nearly anything. If the tucks were just used on their own as the elephant stood still then it may kill a few small animals but it couldn't take out massive obstacles or animals. I believe the same in life if we don't have the power of the Holy Spirit in us as the powerful force he is, then how we will get the obstacles of temptation or the things which are obstructing us building the Kingdom of God.

The judgement of God is upon Philistia and they aren't able to stop it. This prophecy of God Jeremiah says really shows me some key things God uses his power for, but the same God and that same power raised Christ from the dead, heals people and brings people freedom. It is not for us to judge what God uses his power for but for us just to use it for the purposes of Him.

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