Saturday 19 March 2011

Persevering Continually

JEREMIAH 38 v 1-13
What does it take to continually persevere?
Jeremiah didn't just have to endure the prison there were more challenges to come, were they just trying to push him to breaking point? Jeremiah remained faithful throughout this whole process of people just ignoring what God was saying through him. Like a marathon runner he had to persevere until the end of the race, Jeremiah had too. But was Jeremiah sure when the end would be - would it be the destruction of the city? Or his death? Or when God says well done good and faithful servant? Hebrews 12 v 1-3, "1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart."
What I love about this scripture is it doesn't ask me to look to the finish line - Heaven. But to look to the leader - Jesus, the person who I am following. I don't think it matters too much whether Jeremiah knew when the end was because he was focusing on God. Jeremiah also knew that life isn't a sprint it's a long distance run and sometimes the finish isn't in sight. Two things Jeremiah did which link to this passage in Hebrews:
1)  He was swayed by the crowd or people who tried to kill him; he knew God's Purpose for his life and continued to faithfully serve God.
2)  He kept his connection with God close he didn't lose God's Presence from his life; he ran the race/journey close to God.
Jeremiah had Kavanah (God's Presence and Purpose) in his life!

In today’s scripture I see a reason why Judah is in turmoil because King Zedekiah just agrees with everyone and says yes to them all. Zedekiah was constantly swaying between God's will and the will of the people. What am I most influenced by in different situations - people, people of God or God? The officials thought they would kill Jeremiah in the slowest way possible by him slowly drowning in the mud, dying or exposure or dying of starvation. It is like some sort of James Bond film where they choose to use the slowest method possible to kill him and then leave, he always escapes. Well this story isn't much different because Ebed-Melech comes saves Jeremiah, which again shows the indecisiveness of Zedekiah. The reason Ebed-Melech saves Jeremiah is because he fears God more than man, unlike Zedekiah and sways to whoever is the most dangerous at the time.
Jeremiah continually hits problem after problem. But he remains faithful and perseveres.

I think it just takes time to build up that amount of perseverance. But I have to step out and be continually willing to have such perseverance. As it says in Romans 5, this perseverance builds character and our character builds a hope for salvation in us.

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