Monday 7 March 2011

The News That Bears Fruit

What fruit am I producing?
Colossians was written in A.D. 61 by Paul who was currently in prison in Rome. In this letter Paul is trying to combat other religions such as Paganism, strains of Judaism and Greek thought, with the true word of God. It became so bad that the Colossian's focused on Gnostacism which is the worship of the Greek god Gnosis. Throughout the letter Paul stresses the fact that Christ has the connection with God and he died on the cross for us. Paul also emphasises the fact that Jesus is our connection to God and that we are all heald together in Christ's body the Church.
There are 4 mega themes in this letter...
1. Christ is God
2. Christ is head of the Church
3. Union with Christ
4. Man-made Religion

Colossians 1 v 1-14
The Good News Paul is talking about bears good fruit (Galations 5 v 22-23).
Paul was encouraging them to follow as Epaphras example of loving in the spirit, Epaphras had pioneered the church in Ephesus while Paul was there (Acts 19 v 8-10). Even though Paul had never visited Colesse he prayed for them faithfully.
Paul wanted them to grab hold of this idea of loving in the spirit, that true Agape love which could bind them together as the body of Christ.
From this love the fruit would be able to grow. The Colossians may have been sharing the Good News but without an understanding of Jesus truly was and without doing it in love of the Spirit.

How does the way I love others affect the way I share the Good News?
How does does love in the spirit and my understanding of Jesus affect the fruit I produce?

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