Tuesday 8 March 2011

Pictures of Jesus

What is my picture of Jesus?
The Colossians were struggling with who they thought Jesus was and who the Greeks, Pagans, Jews and Paul were saying he was. During this letter Paul is trying to give a picture of who Jesus is and what he has done for us.

Colossians 1 v 15-23
Paul starts this passage with a bold proclamation of who Jesus is linking to many other scriptures back up his statement about Jesus and his identity - Philippians 2 v 5-11 shows Paul writing about the attitude we should have, the same as Jesus, seeing God as Jesus did he was his Father in heaven and showing how Jesus lived his life through serving and love. But this still doesn't show the Colossians the full picture of Jesus. John 10 v 38 shows Jesus talking about himself and Father God as being one in the same eluding to the trinity, people couldn't comprehend it then and people still struggle now but this definitively should Jesus as being God along with John 14 v 6 Jesus showing himself as the only way.

Here are the 4 main misconceptions of Jesus and God that the Colossians...
1. That Jesus would have not entered a body of a human because we are impure and human.
2. God didn't create the world because this would have meant he created evil.
3. They said Jesus was just another prophet.
4. They believed you could make your own way to heaven and God by special secret knowledge.
The Colossians had these misconceptions because of False prophets and teachers.

Here is Paul's response to the misunderstandings that the people had...
1. Christ is the image of God born as a baby on this Earth (John 1 v 14). He lived a blameless life but went to die on the cross for all the lives with blame on this earth i.e. EVERYONE.
2. Jesus Christ who was also God in the flesh created the Heavens and the Earth (Genesis 1 v 1)
3. Jesus is before and after everything, he is eternal. He was the first to be resurrected, he was the first and the last to do this great act of love.
4. Jesus is the only way to God (John 14 v 6). When they share the good news they must focus on Christ and not other False teaching about getting to Heaven.

Paul had pleanty of time for the Colossians so this is why he wanted them to understand who Jesus is so when they are proclaiming the good new it will bear fruit.

How do I see Jesus?
My picture of Jesus has changed as I have gained a greater understanding.
How does my picture of Jesus affect my faith on a day to day basis?

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