Monday 21 March 2011

God's Provision

JEREMIAH 39 v 1-18
Does God take away and provide at the same time?
Jerusalem was on its last chance and so was King Zedekiah. The city, the land and the resources which God had provided for the people was all about to be taken away. But for some God would provide a freedom and safety. Does God take away the city or does he take away the protection? God provides for Jeremiah and Ebed-Melech by saving their lives. But for everyone else they were killed or exiled. Philippians 1 v 19, "Yes, and I will continue to rejoice, for I know that through your prayers and God’s provision of the Spirit of Jesus Christ what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance." God will provide for us in whatever way we need, if we are faithful to him. Paul was a faithful servant of God and he may have been in many tough situations but God provided for him. Just as Jeremiah and Ebed-Melech were faithful God provided safety for them.

When I look at God's provision you also notice the people who God didn't provide for. As a child this was the kind of thing I found very unfair but I didn't have a very good understanding of God. God had warned the King and the people of the coming destruction but they did not repent. They weren't just destroyed and taken into exile but the Babylonians took all the rich and ruling people so that the people that were left were too weak and poor to revolt. During all this mess Jeremiah's circumstances flipped upside down from being a prisoner of his own people, the Babylonians thought he must have therefore been a traitor so they didn't just free him but they protected him too.

The difference between Jeremiah and Zedekiah's fate is immense.
- Jeremiah was freed, Zedekiah was imprisoned.
- Jeremiah was saved because of his faith; Zedekiah was destroyed because of his fear.
- Jeremiah was treated with respect, Zedekiah was treated like scum.
- Jeremiah was concerned for the people, Zedekiah was concerned about himself.

If we are faithful like Jeremiah who God rewarded for his faith in bountiful amounts and Ebed-Melech whose faith to save Jeremiah was also rewarded by God, then God will reward us. But do I have faith just so I can receive a reward? Or do I have faith because God has given me a part to play in building the Kingdom of God?

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