Friday 18 March 2011

The Worth of God's Word's

What do I do with the spoken word of God?
The bible is the word of God! God also speaks to me now, but what do I do when God speaks to me? I try act on it as God wants me too, but the thing I sometimes forget is to record the Rhema (spoken) word of God. Jeremiah is consistently hearing God speak to him and he clearly writes it down and all the other events surrounding it. But is todays passage God speaks to him it gets destroyed then God reminds him of it with extra bits and he writes it down again. Jeremiah didn't just act on the word of God; he recorded because he saw the worth of the words of God. When Jeremiah acted on the prophecy/words of God: he proclaimed, acted on and challenging different people with what God wanted to say to them.

"...believers often speak of hearing the rhema word of God, and they consider it precious and something special enough to continually pursue."

Jeremiah 36 v 1-32
In those days only the very highly esteemed could read and write, so Baruch was Jeremiah's scribe the prophecy was written on papyrus and rolled into scrolls. After the exile the scribes became teachers of the law. Then in New Testament the scribes formed a powerful political party. Baruch read this scroll to the people as they arrived at the temple to pray and fast yet they did not listen to how they could avert the coming destruction of the Babylonian army.
Jeremiah had to write down the words of God because he wasn't allowed inside the temple; Baruch went and told the officials the word of God. But the King burnt the scroll, even though he burnt it the word of God did not disappear. The people had become complacent in their sensitivity towards God; this is why they destroyed the word of God by burning it. It is in this climate of darkness and sin that Jeremiah's faith shines brightest. Sometimes I have to go against the flow to stand out for God.
God didn't shout these things for everyone to hear using a mega phone but he spoke to Jeremiah because he had a listening ear. How ready am I for God to speak in any moment?
God did speak these words to Jeremiah and Baruch again with extra bits so they could record them.

"Someone says, "I don't spend an hour in God's word every morning to hear from him in that hour but hear from him throughout the day."

When God speaks how often do I record it? It is easy to act on it but we need to record what God says to truly see how God has spoken into my life at crucial points and other times.

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