Thursday 26 May 2011

The Great Conflict - Part 2

REVELATION 13 v 1-10
What and Who are we chasing after?
The beast of the sea represents the anti-Christ; he was part of an unholy trinity which was out to defeat God. This unholy trinity was made up of the dragon (Satan), the beast of the sea and the beast of the land. The beast was initially identified with Rome because Rome was a place where Christian's were persecuted, encouraged an evil life style and opposed God. 

We see that the beast gathers a following quickly many people chasing after him trying to keep up. Maybe they followed out of fear and being scared. Or was it because they worshiped him or because they always wanted the latest thing. Or is it because there is no stability in society. More and more people followed, they knew he had power but what they didn't know was that his power was limited and actually God was the most powerful and in control of the amount of power the beast had. Who do we chase after? Are you whole heartedly following Jesus or are you just on for the ride while it is convenient?

The anti-Christ (beast of the sea) that we see in Revelation resembles a combination and amalgamation of the beast Daniel saw in a vision in Daniel 7. Daniel and Revelation go hand in hand because unfortunately the world has become like Babylon. Not every part of the world is as evil as Babylon because there are Christian's everywhere, shining out for God. Daniel continued to stay focused on God and didn't go chasing after other people of things. Sometimes the things we chase after aren't necessarily evil. Craig Groschel in his book 'It' talks about an experience where he had lost the It factor in is his life with God because he had made the church a priority over God. What he realised was that the bride already had a husband and he was trying to compete with the husband (Christ). Who and What are you chasing after?

Moses asked these very relevant questions, when we are chasing after someone or something I think we should ask these questions, Exodus 15 v 11 - "Who among the gods is like you, LORD? Who is like you majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders?" What kind compare to such a God as the saviour of the world. How closely are we following and chasing God? How full of God are we? 

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