Monday 2 May 2011

Portrait Of Jesus

How do we see Jesus?
I want to take a look at the way Jesus is described in the 7 letters to the churches.
I have briefly mentioned the appearance of Jesus and the description but I want to use to today to enhance my portrait of Jesus.
What are the basics of who Jesus is...
  • Shepherd - Matthew 26 v 31
  • Saviour - John 3 v 16
  • Teacher - Matthew 19 v 16
  • Rabbi - Mark 10 v 51
  • Son of God - Mark 15 v 39
  • The Messiah - Matthew 16 v 16
  • The way, the truth and the life - John 14 v 6
1.  Letter to Ephesus - Ch. 2 v 1
  • Jesus is described as the One who walks amongst the 7 gold lampstands, these lampstands represent the churches. This shows me two things: Jesus is described as the One - the one who saves, judges and eternal. The fact that Jesus is walking amongst the lampstands (churches) shows Jesus doesn't just sit on his throne and judge, He walks amongst the churches to find out how they are doing and what they need help with. Jesus cares!
  • Jesus holds the 7 star; they represent the 7 messengers to the churches. This shows Jesus’ authority over the churches and their leaders.
2.  Letter to Smyrna - Ch. 2 v 8
  • Jesus is described as the first and the last. The beginning and the end. The alpha and the omega. This acknowledges Jesus as the author and perfecter of our faith and lives. He was there at the beginning and he will be there at the end.
  • Matthew 28 v 1-10 - Jesus died and came back to life. The resurrection proves who Jesus was and is.
3.  Letter to Pergamum - Ch. 2 v 12
  • Just as the Romans used their swords for authority and judgement. Jesus has a double edged sword coming from his mouth; this represents God's ultimate judgement on the earth. It may also represent the separation between believers and unbelievers because unbelievers cannot experience the eternal rewards of the Kingdom of God.
  • What is very sad but true is that God's judgement will be fair but some of my friends and family are unbelievers so they will be judged and not receive the eternal reward I will, BUT I can intervene and with the help of God I can give them opportunities and reason to believe.
4.  Letter to Thyatira - Ch. 2 v 18
  • The eyes of burning fire links back to Ch. 1 v 14; this represents Jesus as all seeing. So he can help us, encourage us, challenge us and judge fairly. John 2 v 24-25 - shows us Jesus' power to see who we really are underneath. God looks at the heart man looks on the outside.
  • Feet like burnished bronze represent Jesus power to go wherever he wants and also that he has authority over everyone and everything is under his feet.
5.  Letter to Sardis - Ch. 3 v 1
  • The 7 spirits represent the Holy Spirit, just as the 7 stars represent the 7 church leaders/messengers. The 7 spirits shows Jesus wants the presence of the Holy Spirit to be in each of the churches.
6.  Letter to Philadelphia - Ch. 3 v 7
  • Holy and True - two words which totally describe Jesus. Jesus being 'the Truth' and Jesus being Holy and pure. This was an encouragement for the Philadelphian's to continue to hold onto the truth of Jesus and the foundation of their faith.
  • The Key of David represents Christ's authority in his invitation into the Kingdom of God. The door to the Kingdom was locked until Christ opened up. After the door to the Kingdom is opened no-one can shut it, salvation is assured. Once it is shut no-one can open it, judgement is certain.
  • Who will you show the door of salvation? But they have to choose Jesus themselves so he can open for them.
7.  Letter to Laodicea - Ch. 3 v 14
  • The Amen - the 'so be it' the final word, Jesus will have the final word. 
  • The faithful and true witness - we know the faithfulness of God because of what he has done for his people and the world over time. In court people swear on the bible, Jesus is the truth he doesn't need to swear on anything to ratify His truth, because He is the truth.
  • Jesus is the ruler of God's creation; we stand under the authority of Jesus. God made us stewards of the earth but Jesus is the overall ruler.
What is your portrait of Jesus now?

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