Friday 6 May 2011

Worshipping God - Part 2

Jesus is worthy to open the scroll and begin the end times. How worthy are we to worship him?
The dictionary says that 'worthy' means - Having worth, merit, or value; useful or valuable. This passage tells of the Scroll which has written in it all God has in store for the end times, as seal is broken more of God's plans are revealed, but the John first speaks of searching for the one who is worthy to open the scroll.
  • I believe God does things step by step for example for the Israelites to understand forgiveness and worship God put the sacrifice system in place, then through time God revealed to prophets of the greatest sacrifice to come - Jesus. But they understood that worship was a sacrifice but they were worshipping the maker of the universe and forgiveness couldn't just be granted as they said sorry there was a price to pay and it showed sincerity for most. Over time small baby steps through this whole process not just two giant leaps - nothing to sacrifices to Jesus.
  • God believes in the journey.
  • Psalm 119 v 105 - "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." The lamp shows us the steps in front of us (small steps) and the light shows the big dream but doesn't show the full path. The mystery of God is part of the journey because it breeds reliance on God for Him to keep some of our journey secret until the right time for us.
  • This was why the scroll had seven seals because it was seven smaller steps and God slowing revealing what he was going to do.
  • These small steps and big dream is how God reveals our purpose to us. It is exciting to know God has a purpose for our lives and also that when we know the purpose as well. What a great reason to worship, he holds the keys to life and he gives us purpose. A God who wants to use us in building his Kingdom.
  • All the time these events of the scroll and the throne room all the creatures and angels are worshipping God, they are worshipping the Lamb of God and Lion of Judah.
  • Jesus is described as a Lion Judah because of His triumph over death that is why he is able to open the scroll - purity, holiness and triumph. 
  • Jesus is also described as a Lamb; Isaiah 53 v 7 - "He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth." Jesus was sacrificed for us, but this does not mean He is weak for the Lion became the Lamb and is now living in the strength of God, as the saviour of the world.
  • We worship Jesus a Lion you is mighty to save and a strong brave warrior.
  • We worship Jesus a Lamb who was sacrificed for the sins of the world.
  • Worship can be dependent on the picture / understanding of God that we have. But how much do we regularly dig deeper to get a better picture / understanding of God?
  • The key thing is Jesus isn't just worthy to open the scroll He is worthy of all of worship.
  • God has made us worthy to worship by the sending the Lamb (Jesus) to be sacrificed and washing away our sin. 
  • How much effort and energy do you put into worship to make it worthy of God?

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