Saturday 7 May 2011

The Seven Seals - Part 1

Do we always notice the warning signs?
This is the first of 3 judgments; each judgment has seven-parts (Seals, Trumpets and Bowls). As Christ opens the scrolls he starts the end of human history, the scroll isn't fully opened until then last seal is broken. The scroll reveals mankind’s depravity and portrays the authority of God over everything.
The four horses are the first four seals broken on the scroll; they represent God's judgment against people’s sin and rebellion. God is directing human history even using his enemies to accomplish it - i.e. Judah in the time of Jeremiah God uses the Babylonians to bring judgment upon them.
  • This is what the four horses represent, some people think Jesus is the rider of the White horse (Rev. 19 v 11) but because they are four horses of judgment Jesus might not be one of the riders. There is evidence that point to both sides of the argument
  • White Horse - Conquer
  • Red Horse - War
  • Black Horse - Famine
  • Pale Horse - Death
  • When we are living our lives sometimes we can slip away from God, most people in their Christian lives would probably say they have 'back sliden' or drifted away from God at some point. But as many of us know it isn't an instant massive leap away from God it is little by little. Here are what the four horses represent in terms of warning signs for us slipping away from God::
  • White Horse - We see Jesus as a conqueror. Our thoughts at this point - How dare He tell me how to live my life? 
  • Red Horse - We decide to fight God and ‘go to war.’ Our thoughts at this point - I won’t give in, He can change for me. 
  • Black Horse - We hold back from God. There is a famine in our spiritual life. Our thoughts at this point - Until God sees things my way I won’t give Him my time, faith, gifts, etc...
  • Pale Horse - Our faith and relationship with Him dies. Our thoughts at this point - He will not force Himself on us and will let us go.
  • "When God sends a 'warning sign' into our lives, you can choose to respond in the way we just spoke about or you could go the other way."
·         Here are the steps we should take when we see the warning signs::
  • White Horse - Submission! Realize that Jesus comes into our life as a Savior and Redeemer, not a conqueror. We submit to Him because we know that He knows more than we do and loves us.
  • Red Horse - Peace! Don’t fight with God about the changes He is making in our lives.
  • Black Horse - Plenty! What is God asking of us? How can we give even more? By giving more of ourselves to God we are also able to receive more from Him! We are never more like God than when we give.
  • Pale Horse - Life! By submitting to God and obeying Him, allowing Him to change our hearts and our lives and opening ourselves up to the good things He has for us, we can live life to the full! (John 10 v 10).
God wants us to live a life for him and I think this passage Romans sums it up, Romans  12 v 1-2 - "1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." Live for God not against Him.

So let’s take note of the warning signs and then respond to the warning signs by turning back to God.

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