Saturday 14 May 2011

The Seven Seals - Part 5

How faithful are we?
Some say the great multitude is the martyrs mentioned in chapter 6 and some believe it to be the 144,000 and more. The multitude is saved by God as He promised and they will be in heaven comprising of all the faithful followers throughout the years. I believe there are three keep things pointed to in this scripture; I don't think they are the be all and end all of our faith and journey with God.
  1. Our Faith - Prayer and Desire for God
  2. Our Response to God - Worship and Obedience
  3. Our Purpose from God - Light and Love
1.  Our Faith - Prayer and Desire for God
  • Psalm 27 v 4-5
  • Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.
  •  Where are our desires?
  • Is our prayer life based on our desire for God?
2.  Our Response to God - Worship and Obedience
  •  Acts 13 v 2-3
  • When we encounter God or hear from God, do we just take it for granted?
  • Do our limits affect our obedience to God?
  • Sometimes we can just be obedient to convenient things God gives us to do.
  • Has worship become a chore for some?
  • I want my worship to enhance all the time so I can give God my best in worship, as my understanding of God increases I want my worship to be enhanced.
3.  Our Purpose from God - Love and Light
  • Matthew 22 v 37-39
  • Matthew 5 v 13-16
  • Our love for God is poured out in our worship and our love for people.
  • Do we always love others the way God intended us to? We should love others with the tangible love God has shown and given to us.
  • Jesus calls us to be a light in dark places.
  • How bright are you shining?
Our faithfulness to God and what he has called us to do is shown through the way we live our lives.

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