Monday 25 April 2011

EASTER - The Next Step

MATTHEW 28 v 16-20
What is the next step after Easter?
-  Jesus gives us a big call for us to make disciples.
-  Making disciples isn’t about just a one off event where someone responds it is about a process.
-  Luke writes in Acts this call to all who follow God – Acts 1 v 8 –  “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
-  We can’t make disciples and change the world without the Holy Spirit.
-  We aren’t to make disciples just so we can have a bunch of clones but so we have a group people who are building the Kingdom of God with us.
-  Discipleship is about reproducing ourselves in others. But if we are aphetic or lazy then so will our disciples. But if we are passionate missionaries willing to build the Kingdom of God then we will produce the same kind of people.
-  Jesus doesn't just send us out with nothing He gives us the authority God had given to Him.
-  I believe to make disciples we need to see where are as our mission field.
-  We are all missionaries wherever we are placed – work, education, services, unemployed, retired, parent, neighbour etc…
-  So our mission field is where we spend our time. 
- Our next what Jesus calls us to is to make disciples.
-  How can you make disciples where you are?

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