Sunday 17 April 2011

The Start Of The End

What is the true purpose of this book?
-  First and simple understanding is that God revealed all of it to John- Revelation.
-  It is for the seven churches in the province of Asia.
-  Some of it is applicable now and some in the future but how do we define this?
-  John a very old man is still sensitive to the voice of God.
-  John's attitude towards God can teach us a lot.
-  This was the guy who was one of the sons of thunder, imagine if Jesus had given him this material back in Galilee. It would have been a joy for him because he probably would have started to preach burn, burn, burn, and no option of turn.
-  But 60 years later his understanding of God is far greater and he is out to build the Kingdom of God not condemn people to hell.
-  John is writing about the now things - challenging the churches and us. And he is writing about the start of the end.
-  What is your attitude? Do have your ticket to heaven and don't care about others? Or are you out to save others?
-  Verse 3 talks about different blessings...
    1. The reader of the prophecy is blessed.
    2. But greater blessed is he who hears the words.
    3. Even greater blessed is the one who takes it to heart and does something with it.
-  Shouldn't number 3 always be our attitude to scripture? I believe it should.
-  2 Timothy 3 v 16-17 - "16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."
-  This is the use of scripture I believe John is hinting to in Revelation, how Paul intends Timothy to use it.
-  The purpose of Revelation is this - "To reveal the full identity of Christ and to give warning and hope to the believers."
-  I want to understand more about God daily so doing an intense study into the book which reveals more of his identity is going to deepen my understanding.

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