Friday 8 April 2011

Who is a Lion?

JEREMIAH 50 v 33-46
How can I remain brave when the people near me run?
Proverbs 28 v 1 Principle
The wicked run - Babylon
The bold stay - Daniel

In the middle of this destruction Daniel had to remain firm. (Daniel 5 v 29-30)
Jeremiah was also in the middle of it.

The Links to the army from the north are Medo-Persians.

There is a lot to take from the 28:1 principle...
The Wicked - Psalm 1 v 1-2
They have never returned to that area it is still desert.
The Bold - the Israelites continue to this day.
Daniel, Jeremiah and many others stood and glorified God when everyone else had turned away.

My boldness is built when my character is built, through perseverance.

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