Thursday 14 April 2011

Hard Evidence

JEREMIAH 52 v 1-34
Why does it take evidence for us to believe?
-  The book of Jeremiah ends with this chapter showing everything God said through Jeremiah coming to pass.
-  The people suffered because the leaders were ignorant and they copied this ignorance towards God. This makes me think how sensitive am I to what God is saying? How wise am I when initiating people into leadership positions because it can have a knock on effect on the people below them?
-  Zedekiah pays a high price for his disobedience of God.
-  Hebrews 13 v 17 - "Obey your spiritual leaders, and do what they say. Their work is to watch over your souls, and they are accountable to God. Give them reason to do this with joy and not with sorrow. That would certainly not be for your benefit." Leaders in the church are more accountable to God because they shepherd and look after other Christians. So we most allow the people we initiate into leadership an understanding of this.
-  It is all about moving from human rights to human responsibilities.
-  Zedekiah just wanted the right to be King but didn't want the responsibilities that came with it.
-  He wouldn't accept the words of God spoken by Jeremiah.
-  It is easy to become a leader who is inward focused instead outward focused because when a crisis comes we can either persevere or shut down and become insular and I believer that is where leaders can be attacked from and weakened.
-  Unfortunately Zedekiah and some of the people paid the price for years of sinful living and ignorance of God. But God had to judge the nation.
-  Jeremiah had the hardest task of all as he had to battle with people every day as they tried to kill him or keep him quiet. But he faithfully proclaimed the word of God.
-  How strong is my faith or do I sometimes need hard evidence?
-  Who am I initiating into leadership? How am I preparing them?

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