Monday 18 April 2011

What Does Jesus Look Like?

What Does Jesus Look Like?
-  As I said yesterday the purpose of Revelation is to reveal the true identity of Christ and to give warning and hope to the believers.
-  Todays passage touches more on the true identity of Jesus.
-  John's faith had been tested many times, he was currently in exile on the Isle of Patmos because he wouldn't stop preaching the Gospel.
-  The majority of the churches in the world were coming under a lot of persecution. They did not slow because of it, they increased because of it. In our western Christian world, we sometimes find it hard to witness full stop. But if we can't witness in our easier western lives, how can we when real persecution comes?
-  What is key about this picture is that Jesus is in the middle...
     -  The middle of the persecution - showing compassion for the church.
     -  The middle of their worship - they praised Him.
     -  The middle of internal conflict - His concern for purity and intolerance of sin.
-  This reveal some of the identity of Jesus, it replicates what we saw when he was here on earth - he was compassionate, loving, hated sin and wanted people to live in the purity his grace brings.
-  The seven lampstands represented the churches and the stars are the angels, this imagery is significant throughout the start of Revelation.
-  But then we get this incredible picture of Jesus...
      -  White Hair a symbol of Wisdom - Daniel 7 v 9
      -  Blazing Eyes a symbol of Judgement of evil - John 5 v 27
      -  The Golden Sash is showing Jesus as the high priest, who goes into God's presence to redeem forgiveness for us - Hebrews 3 v 1
      -  The Sword in Jesus' mouth symbols the power and force of his message - Isaiah 49 v 2 & Hebrews 4 v 12
-  This picture of Jesus shows him not to be just some guy from Galilee who was crucified but the Son of God who died on the cross for the sins of the world.
-  How do you see Jesus?

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