Friday 29 April 2011

Wake Up!

How do you help people regain life back into their faith?
The church in Sardis was in a very wealthy town, the town was split in two because they out grew their first location. The letter doesn't mention there is major idol worship going or any major spiritual warfare, although I expect there was some. Their main problem was death. Spiritual death.
The angle I am going to look at it from today is of how does this affect us?
  • The church in Thyatira didn't have this problem but yesterday I mentioned James 2 v 18 "But someone will say, “You have faith; I have deeds.” Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds." But Sardis had a problem and its route was faith and deeds. They were doing nice and good deeds but without the focus of God at the forefront of the deeds.
  • Sometimes a people can be doing all sorts of outreach and good in the community but they have focused too much on the need and lost focus of the source of healing for those needs.
  • The church in Sardis looked good on the outside but was rotten at the core.
  • They had soiled their clothes by making compromises and corruption.
  • "No matter how much you learn it shouldn't affect our foundations in Christ."
  • Do we sometimes do deeds and forget why we doing them?
  • Do we sometimes let things fester inside of us?
  • Do we need waking up? Need life injecting back into us?
  • Do our deeds and faith match up?

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