Tuesday 12 April 2011

God's Protection and Rescue

JEREMIAH 51 v 1-35
Here some thoughts from the past two days...
-  How does God's protection work?
-  God is going to totally obliterate the Babylonians using Cyrus (King of Persia). But God promises to look after his people he wants them to get back on their feet as a nation.
-  God being a father had already punished Israel like his children and therefore saw it wasn't just for them to be punished again because he was punishing Babylon.
-  God tells the Babylonians what he used them for as a war club against other nations but now they need their judgement.
-  Yes, Paul tells us to put on the armour of God in Ephesians 6 but that doesn't mean we don't get hurt in the battle. It just means we are ready for the battle and we won't get killed off immediately, but we can withstand the devil, but we may come out with battle wounds.
-  2 Samuel 23 v 8-39 - describes and tells the story of David's mighty men, these men fought hard for the heart of the King. Were they just superhuman and did all they did without injury? I don't think they did, these men were sitting round the camp fire telling these stories and showing their battle wounds.
-  When we fight for the heart of the king (God), we will get scars.
-  The Israelites needed to turn back to fight for the heart of the king instead of the hearts of men. God protected and rescued them from the destruction coming to Babylon so they could grow again as a nation but with God back at the heart of it.
-  God's major rescue was Jesus, so we could surpass the destruction that is coming to the Earth at the end of time. God forewarns us just as he forewarns the Israelites. 
-  To be protected by God we need to be willing to fight for God!

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